A open geospatial data community event is organized at the department of geogprahy and geology on May 4-5th, 2022 from 12 noon to 4 pm. Tge Open data festival has the following program:
Wednesday May 4th is a Data Party to curate and share digital geospatial data sets of the researchers and public organizations + Afterwork geobeers!
Thursday May 5th is a Mapathon to improve service information data of Turku in OpenStreetMap
For more information visit lounaistieto.fi and sign up for the events at forms.office.com/r/Y8bZs4e3Ut. This is to ensure snack and drinks for the event.
Sign up deadline is 2.5.2022
Location: University of Turku, Department of Geography and Geology, Natura building, 4th floor